The Business Archives Council and Business Archives Council Scotland are pleased to present the next Business Bites event. We invite anyone with an interest in Business Archives to this informal event where current challenges, successes and ideas are shared at a lunchtime meeting.  

Business Bites is an initiative by BACS to encourage face to face conversations, bringing together the small community of business archivists and custodians of business archives in Scotland, many of whom work alone, to share our experiences. Regular social meet ups will be held every few months, with a rotating theme to kick start conversations and allow you to meet your peers. Anything and everything business archives will be openly discussed among friends. 

The theme of this event is – Environmental Sustainability 

Where: Online – via Zoom  

When: Wednesday 26th June 2024, 12.30pm – 13.30pm  

What: Last year, we hosted a Business Bites event on Environmental Sustainability. Alexandra Wade from the London Metropolitan Archive presented on the work being carried out at LMA in this area, covering initiatives like circular economy and passive control and the effect these had had on the carbon footprint of LMA.  

Alex is back with this webinar to talk about the work LMA has done over the past year to decrease their environmental impact further.  

The ARA Environmental Sustainability Group launched on Earth Day 2022 to advocate for environmental sustainability in the record-keeping sector and to provide the tools and resources to help members enact this professional duty to the environment. This talk will give an overview of the group’s activities and achievements since its inception, and outline some of its plans for the future. 

Our speakers will be Alexandra Wade – Preventive Conservator 

ALEXANDRA WADE, Preventive Conservator, London Metropolitan Archives 

Alexandra is an Assistant Conservator at London Metropolitan Archives responsible for Collections Care, packaging and IPM. She has worked on a wide range of tasks from NMCT funded manuscript care, to surveys, re-housing and IPM projects. She is also the Archive’s Green Group Lead, looking for practical and workable solutions to waste management within the Conservation and Archives sector, whilst adhering to standards and good practice. 

Dr Alasdair Bachell is an archivist at the University of Dundee and a Research Officer with the ARA Environmental Sustainability Group. Alasdair previously worked as an archivist for the energy company SSE, before completing his PhD in Energy in 2021

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You cannot book tickets for past events.

Business Archives Council International House 12 Constance Street London SE16 2DQ
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